Monday, September 17, 2007

Chicken Feathers and Serving God....

Our pastor preached a great sermon yesterday. He challenged us to look at life "missionally", to ask ourselves how we can bring Jesus to the people we interact with on a day to day basis. To seek to serve our neighbor. I decided to take his message to heart, so this morning I asked the Lord to show me how I might serve him in the lives of those I would see today. Little did I know.....

I have this friend.
She lives on a farm.
She tutors Rosalie.
Her husband is out of town.
She is 8 and 1/2 months pregnant.
She has a dog.
A bad dog.
She has chickens.
Dumb chickens.
Bad dog killed 4 dumb chickens.
While I was at their house today.
Today, serving Jesus meant this...
I picked up two dead chickens.
I also hit one wounded chicken in the head.
With a fence post.
So it wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
(Sounds noble, but I didn't hit it hard enough, so Chris,
my friend had to hit it two more times to kill it.)
While I watched.
She was sad.
I was glad I was there for her,
but I hope God doesn't ask me to do dead chickens anymore.


At 1:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Carrie, that sounds terrible! That is so great that you were there when it happened, so you could help. Are you ready to move to a farm yet?

At 7:42 AM , Blogger Leslie said...

Carrie, you're my hero! It's always been a goal of mine to snap the neck of a live chicken with my bare hands and then eat it for dinner. I don't really think I'll ever reach that goal. But came pretty close. Good job.

At 3:53 PM , Blogger Dragonflygirl said...

Wow Carrie!! I needed that belly laugh- It was hilarious to imagine you this day doing that deed!! Thank you for sharing! What a moment in life. Good for you to be a friend in need...a friend indeed!


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