Rosalie says....
"Mom, Nana bought me a pluto dog." When she showed it to me, I realized it was a poodle.
"Mom, we watched 'Little Red Robin Hood'."

Natalie says.....
As she twirls around to Christmas music in her Christmas dress, "Look, Mom! It TOTALLY twirls!!"
Referring to Grampa's teasing about sucking her thumb, "I'm afraid it's NOT going to turn into a pacifier!"
"I can't go to school today cuz I have the cough-ez."

Anticipating her daddy's arrival from a week away at a conference, she asks when she'll see Daddy. I told her she'd see him in the morning. She says "I can't wait to see that big lump in your bed again!"
Explaining the reason she let Rosalie have her peppermint after lunch at a restaurant she says "I don't really care for them anyway. I just took one to be polite."

As he's reading this post..."What about me, Mom?" I said I couldn't think of anything cute he's said lately. :) He says to tell you some of his jokes, so here goes....
"Which state has the most boats? OR-egon."
"Which state misses the most school days? MISS-issippi."
Cameron is growing up so much! He cleans his room and does his dishes without being told. He cleaned the bathroom the other day, and it sparkled! He carries on adult conversations easily and is lots of fun to be around. They all are!
Carrie, your kids are getting so big. That picture of Katy is beautiful. So, how did you get Cameron to do dishes?
Kirsty, one day he just woke up and started doing his dishes and he's done it ever since. Just kidding. Now if I could just get him to pick up his laundry and put his shoes away. :)
Les...Seeing him in a football uniform, now that was freaky. Weird. What's weird is to think of your and Kirsty's kids all changing and growing up and me not watching it happen, except in pictures.
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